Spinal degeneration is like tooth decay. It can go unnoticed for many years without a hint of pain. When the spine degenerates the bones begin to deform and spur, tendon and muscles harden and weaken and the discs thin and dehydrate losing much of the functionality.
Causes of spinal degeneration?
Exposure to long-standing stress. You may even notice you are losing height as the first sign of spinal degeneration.
Spinal degeneration occurs in 4 phases according to the chiropractic model.
Phase 1 is marked by a loss of normal spinal curves, joints, nerves and posture are stressed and age more rapidly. There may be some slight discomfort and slight loss of height. Response to chiropractic treatment at this stage is considered excellent.
Phase 2 of spinal degeneration is characterised by more common aches and pains, fatigue and the inability to cope with stress as well as you used to. Phase 2 is a sign of greater spinal bone decay, disc dehydration and postural changes.
Phase 3 has further postural imbalances, permanent scar tissue and advanced bone deformation.
Phase 4 is the most severe stage of spinal degeneration marked by severe postural imbalance and limited motion as bones may begin to fuse.
Chiropractic can provide some relief of the symptoms by mobilising the joints, but the condition is harder to gain benefit as the stages progress. Stage 4 is irrevisible and treatment may or may not be of any benefit.
Chiropractors are trained to evaluate the spine. X-Rays are a neccessity when evaluation degenerative spinal changes.