Sporting Injuries:
Many Olympians and top-level athletes adopt regular chiropractic care to enhance their performance and prevent injury.
Chiropractors are trained to recognize any ‘faulty mechanics’ in the human body and are able to assist the athlete in correcting these faulty mechanics to ensure maximum performance, maximum mobility of joints, muscle flexibility and tone.
In the event of a sports sustained injury, chiropractic can help. Rapid recovery is essential for the athlete and chiropractic works to restore joint mobility, and functional mechanics to correct muscle balance preferably without the aid of drugs, which, in the sporting world can mean disaster for an athlete’s career.
A chiropractor’s extensive education ensures that practitioners are qualified to assist in the rehabilitation injuries to the spine, legs, head, chest, arms and jaw. Chiropractic can assist in optimizing reaction times; balance and coordination.
Common causes of sporting injury include:
- Contact in sport
- poor coordination
- repetitive jolt or jarring of the body
- excessive loading on the body
- lack of warm up and preparation
Chiropractors emphasize preventative action in addition to regular chiropractic checkups to minimise sports injury. Preventative action includes warm up and warm down exercises; appropriate fitness levels for the sport you are playing, regular stretching; supportive footwear and strapping to protect high risk joints if required
Work Related Injuries:
Heavy lifting, constant twisting, falls and a multitude of other causes can affect the function of the spine
Chiropractic is paramount in in the treatment of work related injuries